The Wellness Care Staff
They Have That Something Special
We are so proud of our staff. They have the knowledge, skill and patience to care for people who are challenged by dementia. They have the energy and discipline to do it every day. And they professionalism to follow the protocols we design for great care.
Most importantly, they have that special something that comes from deep inside oneself, the combination of drive, compassion and courage that allows them to "cheerfully" assist someone who's memory is flickering and/or fading...even when internally their own heart is breaking.
Aly Alonso
Community Director
From day one, Aly has felt that assisted living was her calling. She is a natural caregiver, it's in her blood. In more than 15 years time, she has worked her way through many of the positions at Wellness Care Senior Living at Ojai, previously Autumn Years. That's probably the main reason whys she manages with so much empathy. With all her experience, she understands the challenges and surprises that confront her residents and her staff on a daily basis.
Gracie Castillo
Personal Care Manager
Gracie looks forward to coming to work. She is ready to go and brings lots of energy with her. Her residents benefit because she turns all that energy into genuine love and relentless care. She is one of those positive people who seems to see a bright side whenever possible. And for some reason, she finds it very easy to bond with seniors and they all like her. Maybe it the lights up any room she enters.

Just One Word - Truly Amazing!!!

Our fabulous Wellness Care Senior Living at Ojai staff considers it normal to go out of their way to help seniors in need of assistance and care.

Believes Senior Care Should Be Special

A Passion For Caring